Stockwell International Urgent News Alert 9th April 2020

Stockwell International Urgent News Alert 9th April 2020

Hutchison Ports at Botany have notified industry that they intend to extend its closure through to the end of Thursday 9th April 2020.

Written by

Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting
Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting

Port Botany Closure – Hutchison Terminal

Dear Customer,

Hutchison Ports at Botany have notified industry that they intend to extend its closure through to the end of Thursday 9th April 2020.

Vessels have been redirected and subcontracted to either DP World or Patricks.

Please feel free to discuss any of your concerns with your Stockwells representative via email or call on 1300 786 468.

General Rate Increases


We wish to advise the following GRI that effective 1st June 2020 (cargo received date) a General Rate Increase (GRI) will be applied on all cargo moving from the United States and Canada to Australia and New Zealand in the following amounts:

  • USD $100 / 20’ft container
  • USD $200 / 40’ft container

Please note that effective 1 April the Panama Canal Surcharge ex North America to Australia will increase to:

  • USD $190 / 20’ft dry container
  • USD $350 / 40’ft HC container
  • USD $190 / 20’ft reefer container
  • USD $350 / 40’ft reefer container

Please note that effective 1 April the Panama Canal Surcharge ex Australia to Europe will increase to:

  • USD $175 / 20’ft dry container
  • USD $320 / 40’ft dry HC container
  • USD $175 / 20’ft reefer container
  • USD $320 / 40’ reefer container

Please note that effective 1 April surcharge ex Australia to North East Asia (ports in Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan) will increase to:

  • USD $200/TEU dry container
  • USD $500/TEU reefer container


General Rate Increase on LCL pricing as indicated below effective 26th March 2020:

  • All North American CFS to Worldwide Destinations GRI USD 15.00 w/m

Please see below GRI for any shipment moving with Bronel ex UK to BNE effective from 1st April 2020

  • USD 8.00 per w/m, Minimum USD 8.00

Peak Season Surcharges


Stockwells have received notice from direct carriers out of Europe that they have implemented a Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) for Shipments Ex Europe to Australia and New Zealand.

  • Effective from March 10, until further notice, all shipments will be subject to a PSS of USD $200/TEU (for standard containers) and USD $1000 per container (reefer)
  • Effective from March 15, until further notice, all shipments will be subject to a PSS of USD $100/TEU (for standard containers) and USD $500 per container (reefer)

The shipping lines operating in the North East Asia (China, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong) to Australia have implemented a rate increase effective from 1st of April 2020.

  • USD 300 Per 20’ and USD 600 Per 40’ dry containers


Please be advised that due to the strong demand on the Eastbound Europe & Mediterranean to Asia trade, a Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) has been implemented that will be effective vessels sailing on/after 1st April 2020. This will effect any cargo transhipping via Singapore.

  • PSS: USD 7.00 w/m (minimum 1M3)

Europe direct to Australia PSS implemented for all cargo confirmed effective from 1st April 2020:

  • PSS: USD 9.00 w/m (minimum 1M3)

Europe via Asia to Australia PSS implemented for all cargo confirmed effective from 1st April 2020:

  • PSS: USD 15.00 w/m (minimum 1M3)

Germany to Australia PSS implemented for all cargo confirmed effective from 1st April 2020:

  • PSS: USD 17.00/w/m (minimum 1M3)

Spain and Italy to Australia PSS implemented for all cargo confirmed effective from 1st April

  • PSS: USD 12.00/w/m (minimum 1M3)

Turkey to Australia PSS implemented for all cargo confirmed effective from 1st April 2020:

  • PSS: USD 5.00/w/m (minimum 1M3)
  • EUR 10.00 w/m (minimum 1M3)

North East Asia (China, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong) to Australia have implemented a rate increase effective from 1st of April 2020

  • USD 12.00 w/m (minimum 1M3)

Stockwells understands our clients frustrations with the constant increasing of freight prices out of Europe, especially on direct services, so please feel free to contact your customer service representative if you would like to discuss other, cheaper, trans-shipment options during this period.

Health & Safety Surcharge

Stockwells has received notice that effective from 10th April 2020 and until further notice, a Health and Safety Surcharge (HSS) will be applied on all cargo handled in or out of the USA and Europe.

  • United States to all destinations – USD $15 per HBL
  • All origins to United States – USD $15 per HBL

Handling Charge Increase

Stockwells has received notice wishes to advise customers that the Australia Terminal Handling Charges for shipments between Asia ports and Australia have increased. These increases will apply to all dry and reefer cargo for export loading from the 1st May 2020 and for imports discharging the 1st May 2020.

Inland Haulage Imports Surcharge South Korea

Stockwells has received notice of the introduction of legislation ( Safe Rate initiative ) in South Korea focused on improvement of truck drivers safety and minimum standard income. Effective May 6th, 2020 we wish to advise inland haulage costs when performed by road in South Korea will be adjusted as follows (amounts in USD):

Emergency Cost Recovery Surcharge India

Stockwells has received notice that India has announced a total lock down from 25th March 2020 for a minimum 21 days. In order to enable them to be able to continue with Feeder coverage effectively on this difficult sector, an Emergency Trade Surcharge has been announced on all boxes getting discharged on or after 1st April.

Rate increase will be applied as USD 6.00 per wm, Minimum USD 6.00 effective from April 1st, 2020

Emergency Situation Surcharge

Stockwells has received notice that from 1st April 2020 and until further notice, An emergency situation surcharge will be applied to cargo:

  • Up to 2.5kg – No charge
  • 2.51kg to 30kg – AUD 4.00
  • 30.1 to 70kg – AUD 25.00
  • 70.1 to 300kg – AUD
  • 85.00 > 300.1kg – AUD 325.00

This Emergency Situation Surcharge will cover part of the operating cost increases and the necessary air network adjustments during the time of this emergency situation.

Southbound Quarterly Bunker Recovery Charge

Stockwells has received notice of SOUTHBOUND QUARTERLY BUNKER RECOVERY CHARGE. Please see following fee increases:

Effective 1st April 2020 and valid to 30th June 2020, the BRQ for cargo to Australia and New Zealand from Europe will be applied at the below levels.

From Europe To Australia and New Zealand: $634 Per Dry TEU

Weekly Chartered Cargo Flight from LAX to SYD

Starting Saturday 4th April on a Boeing 787-9 series a weekly chartered cargo flight from LAX to SYD with a road feeder service to MEL/BNE/PER & ADL will be introduced.

Prices are subject to POA each shipment

It is anticipated that there will be high demand to secure space. Therefore we highly recommend that you contact us quickly in order to secure your space and rates.

New Export Controls

Common indicators of the export of goods that support preventing the spread of COVID-19

On 30 March 2020, the Customs (Prohibited Exports) Regulations 1958 were amended to temporarily prohibit the non-commercial export of certain goods that contribute to controlling and preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus (some exemptions apply).

These are some indicators of suspicious behaviour, activities or goods to look out for and report to Border Watch. A combination of one or more of these indicators may be of interest.

  • Are any quantities of the following goods being exported?
    • Disposable face masks, gloves and gowns
    • Protective eyewear in the form of goggles, glasses or visors
    • Alcohol wipes and hand sanitiser
  • Is the nature of the consignee or consignor’s business inconsistent with the goods described?
  • Has the client changed their usual export of goods to include those listed above?
  • Have you noticed numerous purchases of the above goods by the same people in a short time frame? Have you seen advertising for employment for purchasing teams?
  • Have you observed large stocks of goods at a residential address or unmarked warehouse, with a number of vehicles (including rideshare or courier vehicles) loading or unloading goods?
  • Does the goods description indicate that COVID-19 testing kits are included in the consignment?
  • Is the goods description sufficiently detailed to determine the nature of the goods?
  • Is the client anxious, nervous or evasive?
  • Is the client reluctant to provide all the information or documentation you require?
  • Is the client a first time client?
  • Is the value of the goods consistent with the goods description?

China Export Cancellation Fee

Stockwell International has received notice that with effect from April 1, 2020. A revised booking cancellation fee will be implemented for every export booking from China and Hong Kong that is cancelled 7 calendar days or less before the ETD of the vessel.

Manual Processing Fee of Booking Cancellation: CNY 300 per bill for China exports Booking Cancellation Fee: HK 300 per bill for Hong Kong exports

IMO 2020 Update

Stockwell International would like to advise, as you may already know, shipping lines began fueling their vessels with Low Sulphur fuel in advance of the IMO 2020 regulation’s and implemented increases to their fuel surcharge from 1 December 2019. Shipping Lines have made further adjustments to their fuel surcharge. These charges are applicable effective immediately.


  • New Zealand to Australia USD 3.00 w/m
  • Asia (except Korea and Taiwan) to Australia USD 4.00
  • Taiwan to Australia USD 7.00 w/m

Consolidation Tariff Suspended

Stockwell International has received notice that with the ever-changing market conditions and instability in pricing, our consolidation tariff is suspended effective immediately.

All customers will need to confirm pricing at the time of booking

This situation is extremely fluid. Our team is working hard to find solutions wherever possible. We appreciate your understanding.

Port Congestion Surcharge – Reefer Cargo into Manila

Due to the plug shortage worsening over the past few weeks the congestion surcharge will expand to Manila

For any bookings in place where the container has not been picked up before 26th February, or any new bookings from the same date, effective 26th February 2020, a congestion surcharge of USD 1,000 per container for ALL reefer cargo booked to Manila to cover the additional cost of re-routing.

For more information contact your sales representative at [email protected] or call 1300 786 468.

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