Stockwell International Urgent News Alert 24th September 2020

Stockwell International Urgent News Alert 24th September 2020

Stockwell International has received notice that over the weekend the Fair Work Commission (FWC) held a hearing with DP World and the Maritime Union of Australia.

Written by

Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting
Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting

Temporary Booking Restriction to Sydney

Dear Customers,

Stockwell International has received notice that because of ongoing congestion and industrial action at Sydney port that has caused disruption to the network schedule and significant delays, shipping line Maersk has temporarily stopped acceptance of all new bookings from Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and India Sub-Continent to Sydney effective immediately.

It is expected booking acceptance for Sydney will re-open from 1st October.

For any questions please contact your sales representative on [email protected] or 1300 786 468.

New Line Haul Service

Dear Customers,

Stockwell International is pleased to announce the introduction of our new Line Haul Service.

With containers now omitting Sydney’s Botany Port due to congestion and empty depots being at capacity, shipping lines are redirecting vessels to either BRISBANE or MELBOURNE ports.

STOCKWELLS new domestic line haul service is currently helping customers get cargo back to Sydney at a reasonable rate compared to leaving it with some of the shipping lines. We can take cargo back to our depot and move loose back to Sydney as containers are still required to be dehired in Melbourne or Brisbane due to empty parks not taking on the empties.

Our agile line haul team will adapt and work with you to development a plan that will assess your operations and  and optimisation of your delivery, giving you a tailored solution.

Our transport solutions are extremely flexible, we can deliver containers direct off the wharf to your premises while also giving you the option of having your container unpacked and delivered from our CFS facilities in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

For any questions please contact your sales representative on [email protected] or 1300 786 468.

Sydney Port Congestion Surcharge Update

Dear Customers,

Stockwell International has been updated that due to the Protected Industrial Action that commenced on the 4th of September (see news alert here), and the congestion that Sydney is experiencing, several shipping lines have introduced a Port Congestion Surcharge.

As mentioned on the 9th September, Shipping line MSC  had to apply a Congestion Surcharge to maintain the level of service required. View surcharge notice here.

The Congestion Surcharge of USD 300 per TEU will apply to the following:

  • Import cargo: for vessel arrival on the 14 September and onward
  • Export cargo: from blading date 14 September and onward
  • For Import cargo from U.S: from cargo possession on 8 October
  • For Export cargo to U.S.: from cargo possession on 8 October

Stockwell International has been advised that shipping line ANL/CMA/CGM has also applied a Congestion Surcharge, view surcharge notice here.

The Congestion Surcharge of USD 285 per TEU will apply to the following:

  • Export cargo for all vessels (non USA trades) departing Sydney on or after 17th September
  • Import cargo for all vessels (non USA trades) departing origin on or after 17th September
  • Export cargo for all vessels (USA trades) departing Sydney on or after 10th October
  • Imports for all cargo received (USA trades) on or after 10th October

Consolidators Evans has advised they have applied a Congestion Surcharge effective immediately.

  •  LCL export ex Sydney the amount will be US$13.50 per RT based on cargo being on an MSC, CGM, ANL or PIL Master B/L
  • the NZ trade lane effected (Sydney to Lyttelton), Congestion Surcharge will be charged at AU$ 15.00 per RT
  • import LCL into Sydney the charge will be US$ 13.50 per RT

Stockwell International has been advised that shipping line Hapag Lloyd has also applied a Congestion Surcharge.

The Congestion Surcharge of USD 300 per TEU will apply to the following:

  • Export Cargo for all vessels (Non USA Trades) departing Sydney on or after 16th September 
  • Export Cargo for all vessels (USA Trades) Departing Sydney on or after 16th October 
  • Import Cargo for all vessels (Non USA Trade) Departing origin on or after 16th September 
  • Import Cargo for all vessels (USA Trade) Gate In ( Cargo Possession) date on or after 16th October 

US$13.50W/M or Minimum will be applied for LCL Cargo.

Stockwell International has been advised that shipping line PIL/PAE has also applied a Congestion Surcharge.

The Congestion Surcharge of USD 300 per TEU will apply to the following:

  • Export Cargo for all vessels departing Sydney on or after 21st September 2020
  • Import Cargo for all vessels arriving Sydney on or after 1st October 2020

US$13.50W/M or Minimum will be applied for LCL Cargo.

Stockwell International has been advised that shipping line TS Lines has also applied a Congestion Surcharge.

The Congestion Surcharge of USD 280 per TEU will apply to the following:

Please note that this charge will apply to Sydney import cargoes ONLY. First applicable vessels are as follows:

  • CAT Service: HARRIER HUNTER / 2006S / ETA SYD 30th September
  • NAX Service: EVER ULYSSES / 132S / ETA SYD 28TH September (TBC)

Unfortunately Stockwell International has no choice but to pass this cost on.

There is over a 4 week waiting time to get space on vessels please ensure to let us know about bookings as soon as possible so space can be allocated in time. 

For any questions please contact your sales representative on [email protected] or 1300 786 468.

Protected Industrial Action Update

Stockwell International has received notice that over the weekend the Fair Work Commission (FWC) held a hearing with DP World and the Maritime Union of Australia.

Stockwell International is glad to advise that the reported outcome of suspended industrial action at Port Botany has come to agreement that no further action will be held before the 1st of November 2020.

However, liner body Shipping Australia warned that shippers and freight forwarders could still expect substantial disruption to container supply chains.

– Unless DP World Australia and the employer enter into a binding workplace agreement (known as an enterprise agreement), the union will have the power to re-start industrial action in November.

– Meanwhile, industrial action is still possible at Hutchison in Brisbane and Sydney and at Patrick Terminals in Brisbane, Sydney and. Melbourne.

– Congestion and delay will not ease across the waterfront until all the terminals are able to work unhindered, Shipping Australia said.

– Without the distraction of bans and limitations, we anticipate we’ll be able to progress outstanding local matters at DP World Sydney in the pursuit of a finalised enterprise agreement, DP World Australia said.

Rolling MUA stoppages at Sydney’s Hutchison, Patrick and DP World terminals had led to an 11-day backlog throughout the port, with congestion expanded to Brisbane and Melbourne as shipping lines try to offload cargo elsewhere. It has also led to a last-minutre surge schedule changes.

In summary,

  • Sydney Terminal is currently up to 14 days behind schedule with a forecast that the delays will increase due to the ongoing Protected Industrial Action.
  • Brisbane will have multiple stoppages on Friday 25 September 2020.
  • Fremantle will have a ban on the performance of work for 31 hours commencing Friday 25 September followed by a 24-hour stoppage of work commencing Tuesday 29 September.

Patricks Fremantle Summary

Due to the Industrial Action, Patricks regrets to inform customers that R&D operations on the 21st September Monday Night Shift to the 22nd September Tuesday Day Shift has been cancelled.

  • Monday 2300hrs to Tuesday 06:00hrs

DP World Fremantle Summary

Due to the Industrial Action, DP World regret to inform customers that R&D Operations on the 22nd September Tuesday Day Shift will be closed.

  • Tuesday 06:00hrs to Tuesday 14:00hrs

We ask that our customers to plan in advance so we are able to work with the current environment.

We will provide further updates as information becomes available or for any queries please contact your customer service representative or send your enquiry to [email protected]

De-Hire Situation Sydney

Stockwell International has been advised that due to the various factors including congestion and industrial protected action in Sydney, many container depots are no longer accepting import de-hires.

For containers that need to come back to Stockwell’s CFS  that are unable to be de-hired due to the empty container parks not accepting them, Stockwells will have a fee that includes cartage, container lifts and storage at Stockwell’s Depot:

  • AUD $150.00 per 20ft plus fuel levy and GST
  • AUD $200.00 per 40ft plus fuel levy and GST

We will provide further updates as information becomes available or for any queries please contact your customer service representative or send your enquiry to [email protected]

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