Stockwell International News Alert 4th August 2022

Stockwell International News Alert 4th August 2022

Stockwell International would like to update clients on the upcoming BMSB season, August fuel surcharge, the threat of foot and mouth disease & more.

Written by

Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting
Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting

Notice of Upcoming BMSB Season

Stockwell International would like to inform clients of the upcoming brown marmorated sting bug season due to starts from September. The Department of Agriculture has released this statement in preparation of the BMSB season:

  • Emerging risk countries – China and UK only
  • Chapters 94 and 95 will be subject to random inspections for emerging risk countries
  • 120 hours policy been amended for goods that have been rolled (with evidence)
  • Inspect (unpack) Inspections instead of Secure Seals intact inspections at Approved Arrangements

BMSB seasonal measures will apply to targeted goods manufactured in or shipped from target risk countries, that have been shipped between 1 September and 30 April (inclusive), and to vessels that berth, load, or tranship from target risk countries within the same period.

Stockwell International will continue to keep you updated with any changes or notices regarding the BMSB season.

for any further questions contact [email protected]

Impact of biosecurity measures to combat the threat of foot and mouth disease

The below notice has been issued by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry regarding the threat of foot and mouth disease for Australia’s biosecurity. 

Who does this notice affect?

Customs brokers, importers, vessel masters and shipping agents.

What has changed?

As many are aware, Australia’s biosecurity measures have been ramped up over the last several months in response to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Indonesia.

On confirmation that FMD had spread to Bali, additional controls were immediately imposed at major airports and international mail centres to protect Australia from this threat. This has required a significant redirection of resources with operations at airports focusing on travellers arriving in Australia from Indonesia who present a risk of carrying FMD into Australia through contaminated footwear or clothing, or bringing risk goods such as meat and dairy.

The department recognises that vessels and containers also present potential pathways for the virus and measures are already in place which extend to all countries with FMD, not just Indonesia.  In May this year, vessel masters and shipping agents were reminded of their obligations to ensure requirements for cleaning and disinfection of conveyances are strictly adhered to (industry notice 74-2022). In early July, requirements for additional footbaths for entry and exit to livestock vessels whilst docked at port were implemented, and MARS directions updated.

Should additional measures be necessary across the cargo and commercial vessel pathways, we will engage with relevant industry groups and issue further advice.    

Further Information

FMD is a highly contagious viral disease which primarily affects cloven-hoof animals including cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, camels, pigs, and deer.  An FMD outbreak in Australia would be devastating to our livestock industries through international trade losses, market disruptions and health and production losses.

Additional technical detail is available on the department’s website - Foot and mouth disease.

Western Australia Terminal Congestion and Delivery Delays Update

Stockwell International would like to provide our clients an update on terminal congestion and delivery delays in Western Australia.
Due to continued effects of Covid-19, industrial action, port closures our team is seeing on-going congestion and delays in Western Australia that are resulting in potential additional charges for wharf storage, empty container detention and other related costs.  
In addition to this, limited availability of slots at wharf/ empty container parks and congestion caused by high volumes that are beyond our control.
Stockwell International will continue to monitor and update you on the developing situation and endeavour to make this period as uncomplicated as possible.
If you have any further questions, please contact sales@stockwellteam

Fuel Surcharge

Air Freight

NOTE: Stockwell International would like to inform you that import and export air handling / terminal fees are increasing due to market costs going up.

Fuel Surcharge 

Stockwell International would like to inform you of the updated fuel surcharge for the month of August.  

Effective August 1st 2022 

For the East Coast of Australia, the fuel surcharge will be at 24%. 

Effective June 1st 2022 

South Australia, our fuel surcharge will now be 32% for metro transport in Adelaide.

Western Australia, our fuel surcharge will be 30% for metro transport in Perth and Fremantle.

Stockwell International will endeavour to keep you updated with the most recent information as it become available to us. 

For any other questions or enquiries please contact [email protected]

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