Western Australia Fuel Surcharge NoticeÂ
Effective April 1st, 2022
Western Australia – 24%
Since our previous fuel surcharge notice on March 15th, Stockwell International has seen huge fuel cost increases due to the current instability in Eastern Europe. As a result of this we will be making more adjustments to costs in the near future to match the fluctuating prices due to the ongoing conflict.
We appreciate your understanding during this time and will keep you updated with any changes that are made.Â
For any further information, please contact [email protected]
Federal Budget 2022/23 – Trade and Logistics Issues
The 2022-23 budget had a huge customs headline, but not one that will impact many customs brokers. The temporary reductions in the excise equivalent customs duty on petrol is a very significant reduction in customs duty and is headline grabbing. Logistics professionals had to dig deeper in the budget to find other relevant announcements.
Excise system – The deregulation agenda is continuing in this budget with the focus being on fuel and alcohol producers, importers, and distributors through streamlining the excise system. The changes will begin in July 2023 and include quarterly reporting for smaller importers/producers and enable fuel and alcohol imported for further manufacture or distribution to have deferred payment of duty and the transfer the goods directly to an ATO warehouse. In respect of fuels there will be increased access to refunds and the removal of the requirement to pay and then claim fuel tax credits in respect of bunker fuels.
Road to rail – From a transport perspective the Government continues its push from road to rail. $3.1 billion has been set aside for the Melbourne Intermodal Terminal Package, including the delivery of the Beverage and Western Interstate Freight Terminals, and the Outer Metropolitan Ring Rail South in Victoria.
IFAMÂ – Exporters may face higher export costs with the International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) program to be finalised in July 2022. With international travel still at much lower levels, global air freight markets remain very tight. The loss of IFAM will put pressure on already high international transport costs.
EU FTA – The Government is optimistic about the conclusion of the Australia – EU free trade agreement. While a date for finalisation of the trade agreement is not set, customs duty on passenger motor vehicles is expected to fall from $310 million in 22/23 to $90 million in 23/24. This suggests an expectation that the EU FTA will commence sometime in 2023.
India FTAÂ – The other free trade agreement to receive a lot of budget attention is being negotiated with India. related to the potential trade agreement, the Government will invest $245 million over 5 years on initiatives to support the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with India.
Customs Revenue – More generally general customs revenue (no excise equivalent) is expected to fall from $1.8 billion in 21/22 to $1.2 billion on 25/26. This fall is more significant when you consider the value of imports will rise over this period. This predicted reduction in duty likely reflects the increased use of free trade agreements. It is expected that as more trade is covered by free trade agreements, the ABF focus on free trade agreement compliance will increase.
Covid 19 Tariff Concession – The Government has announced that it will make permanent the temporary tariff concession that is in place of certain medical and hygiene products to treat, diagnose or prevent the spread of covid-19. The range of products to which the concession applies will be expanded. Further, the end use restriction will also be removed. Presumably this is a reference to the goods having to be used to treat covid-19. This change will apply from 1 July 2022.
DAWE – The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment is investing about $250 million to modernise Australia’s trade system with the goal of supporting exporters. About $50 million of this funding is to reduce the regulatory burden on exporters and identify opportunities for further reform. Much of this funding ties in with last year’s simplified trade systems funding, More information on this reform can be found here.
Anti-Dumping – Sometimes what is not said in a budget is as relevant as what is said. Last year’s budget contained a number of reforms to the anit-dumping system. Most of these proposed reforms are yet to progress. This year’s budget is very quiet on any additional funding to the anti-dumping system. Rather than boost protection via dumping duties, the focus seems to have shifted to improving the manufacturing capacity of Australian industry. The budget includes various funding initiatives tied to the modern manufacturing strategy. Hopefully these initiatives are not seen as subsidies by Australia’s trading partners.
General Rate Increases, Emergency Port Congestion Surcharge, BUC/FAF Tariff, Infrastructure Fee, Wharf Booking Fee, PSS, LSS & Hazardous Charges/Surcharge 2022
Air Freight
NOTE:Â Stockwell International would like to inform you that import and export air handling / terminal fees are increasing due to market costs going up.
Fuel SurchargeÂ
Effective April 1st 2022:Â
For the East Coast of Australia, the fuel surcharge will be at 19%.Â
Western Australia, our fuel levy will be 24% for metro transport in Perth and Fremantle.
South Australia, our fuel levy will now be 26% for metro transport in Adelaide.
Effective 15 April, 2022Â
Australia & New Zealand to All USA Destinations
New Amount: USD 6 w/m
New Minimum: USD 20Â
Australia & New Zealand to All USA DestinationsÂ
New Amount & New Minimum: 40%
Australia & New Zealand to All USA Destinations
New Amount & New Minimum: 40%Â
Chassis Fee
Effective 15 April, 2022
Australia & New Zealand to All USA Destinations
New Amount: USD 6 w/mÂ
New Minimum: USD 20Â
General Rate Increases
16th March 2022
Australia to Fiji
USD 12.00 W/M or Minimum USD 12.00
16th March 2022Â
Australia to Fiji
USD 300 per 20′
USD 600 per 40′ dry containersÂ
1st April
Australia & New Zealand to Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, South America and Central America
$3,000 per container 20GP, 40GP and reffersÂ
Infrastructure Fee
Brisbane                             $185.00 / container
Adelaide                             $155.00 / container
Fremantle              $80.00 / container
Wharf Booking Fee
Fremantle              $60.00 / container
Peak Season Surcharge
15th March 2022
China (Xiamen) to SYD, FRE, MEL
USD 91.00 per w/m or Min (Increased by USD 6.00 per w/m)Â
15th March 2022
China (Xiamen) to ADLÂ & BNEÂ
USD 106.00 per w/m or Min (Increased by USD 6.00 per w/m)
15th March 2022Â
India (Ahmedabad) to SYD, FRE, MELÂ
USD 116.00 per w/m or Min (Increased by USD 10.00 per w/m)
15th March 2022Â
India (New Delhi) to SYD, BNE, FREÂ & MELÂ
USD 116.00 per w/m or Min (Increased by USD 10.00 per w/m)
15th March 2022
India (Nhava Sheva) to SYD, BNE, FRE, MEL
USD 121.00 per w/m or Min (Increased by USD 20.00 per w/m)
FAF/BUC AdjustmentÂ
Effective April 2022
Asia – North East Asia, South East Asia, West Asia, Europe to Australia
BUC: Dry 427 / RF 641
FAF: Dry 223 / RF 335
Australia to Asia – North East Asia, South East Asia, West Asia
BUC: Dry 183 / RF 275
FAF: Dry 96 / RF 144Â
Australia to New Zealand
FAF: Dry 52 / RF 78
Australia to Europe, Africa
FAF: Dry 168 / RF 252
Australia to South Pacific
FAF: Dry 417 / RF 626
All Area (Excl. N. & S. America) to New Zealand & South Pacific
BUC: Dry 797 / RF 1196
FAF: DRY 417 / RF 626
New Zealand & South Pacific to All Area (Excl. N. & S. America)
BUC: Dry 342 / RF 513
FAF: Dry 179 / RF 269
Peak Season Surcharge
Effective 1st April, 2022Â
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide to DurbanÂ
US $180 w/mÂ
All AU to All NZÂ
US $40 w/mÂ
* Note – All existing freight charges will be converted to USD*Â
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide to Vancouver
US $40 w/mÂ
Fremantle to Hong KongÂ
US $15 w/mÂ
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide to Hong KongÂ
US $5 w/mÂ
Sydney to JakartaÂ
US $25 w/mÂ
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide to BusanÂ
US $15 w/mÂ
Sydney & Melbourne to Port KelangÂ
US $10 w/m
All AU to SingaporeÂ
US $15 w/mÂ
Sydney & Melbourne to BangkokÂ
US $30 w/mÂ
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide to SuvaÂ
US $10 w/mÂ
SEA & ISC to All AUÂ
US $15 w/m
NEA to FremantleÂ
US $10 w/m
Dalian to All AUÂ
US $10 w/m
Taiwan to All AUÂ
US $15 w/m
Effective 21st April 2022Â
All AU to Los AngelesÂ
US $15 w/m
All AU to New York
US $10 w/m
Low Sulphur Surcharge
Effective 15th April 2022Â
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide to Suva
US $15 w/mÂ
Effective 1st April 2022Â
US $8.5 w/m
Stockwell International will endeavour to keep you updated with the most recent information as it become available to us.Â
For any other questions or enquiries please contact [email protected]