Stockwell International News Alert 26th April 2022

Stockwell International News Alert 26th April 2022

Stockwell International would like to give clients an urgent update for Vessel Ever Uranus 150S in Shanghai.

Written by

Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting
Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting

Urgent Update for Vessel Ever Uranus 150S in Shanghai

Stockwell International has received information regarding the vessel Ever Uranus 150S. 
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the original vessel EVER URANUS 150Scannot be unsealed from Shanghai port and the shipping line has temporarily cancelled the service.

Due to the lockdown in Shanghai as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, many goods were transferred to Ningbo for arrangement. At present, there are also lockdowns in part of Ningbo resulting in congestion and has caused a lot of containers to be stuck at the dock and almost all vessels are delayed for many days with a potential to be rolled or dumped for 1 -2 weeks. 
Stockwell International will continue to work with shipping lines to offer the best solution during this time but we thank you for your understanding and patience. 
SO: 149202857824–Update to 149203202236
ETD: 2022-05-02–Update to 2022-05-05
ETA: 2022-05-22–Update to 2022-05-22

For any further questions or information please contact [email protected]

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