Stockwell International News Alert 1st July 2022

Stockwell International News Alert 1st July 2022

Stockwell International would like to update clients about toll updates in Brisbane, impact of the deadly Varroa Mite at Port of Newcastle and congestion at Western Australia and more.

Written by

Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting
Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting

Update to tolls in Brisbane 

Stockwell International would like to inform you that effective 01/07/2022 (Friday) tolls in Brisbane will increase 6%. 

If you require any further information please contact sales@stockwellteam

NEWS: Deadly Varroa Mite Detected at Port of Newcastle

Source: Daily Cargo News | Abby Williams

A parasite threatening Australia’s bee industry was detected at Port of Newcastle last week, prompting the New South Wales government to issue a biosecurity emergency order.

Biosecurity surveillance discovered the deadly varroa mite in beehives at the port. Media reports indicate the mite was detected in two of the six hives the port uses to monitor biosecurity.

It was also reportedly discovered in the hives of a commercial beekeeper nearby. The NSW government is urging beekeepers across the state to safeguard their industry.

“We have immediately launched an eradication plan which involved setting up a biosecurity zone, containing the infected hives and euthanising the bees,” NSW agriculture minister Dugald Saunders said,

“Australia is the only major honey producing country free from varroa mite and if it has the chance to establish here, it could cost the honey industry more than $70 million a year.”

The biosecurity zone covers an area within a 50-kilometre radius of Port of Newcastle. Beekeepers in the zone were instructed to notify the NSW department of primary industries of the location of their hives.

“Biosecurity is one of my top priorities and beekeepers have been working with the government through the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program to act as an early warning system,” Mr Saunders said.

“If it weren’t for their diligence in monitoring hives and catch boxes at strategic locations around our ports and airports, this threat may have gone undetected.”

ANL Announces FREETIME extension

ANL has just announced an extension to their FREETIME service. This service allows customers to plan ahead to expand their free time with FREE TIME Extended, thereby mitigating risks of delays and unplanned costs that may happen due to potential disruptions in the global supply chain. 

NEWS: 7 million in Bangladesh need aid after ‘worst floods in memory,’ Red Cross says

Source | CNN, Kathleen Magramo

More than 7 million people in Bangladesh are in desperate need of shelter and emergency relief after what one aid agency has described as the worst flooding to hit South Asia in living memory.
Hundreds of thousands of homes near the Bangladesh-India border are underwater, and in the worst-hit areas whole neighborhoods have been submerged, aid agencies said Tuesday.
At least 207 people in both countries have died since the floods began in April, according to official figures.

Torrential rain has caused rivers in Bangladesh — a densely populated delta nation — to overflow, submerging areas that border the Indian state of Meghalaya, according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Some 94% of Bangladesh’s Sunamganj town and 84% of the surrounding Sylhet district are now submerged, the IFRC said. Roads leading to the region have been largely cut off and there are power cuts even in areas not underwater.

Read more | Bangladesh floods: 7.2 million need aid, Red Cross says – CNN

Western Australia Terminal Congestion and Delivery Delays Update

Stockwell International would like to provide our clients an update on terminal congestion and delivery delays in Western Australia.

Due to continued effects of Covid-19, industrial action, port closures our team is seeing on-going congestion and delays in Western Australia that are resulting in potential additional charges for wharf storage, empty container detention and other related costs.  

In addition to this, limited availability of slots at wharf/ empty container parks and congestion caused by high volumes that are beyond our control.

Stockwell International will continue to monitor and update you on the developing situation and endeavour to make this period as uncomplicated as possible.

If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected]

Fuel Surcharge and Bunker Surcharge

Air Freight

NOTE: Stockwell International would like to inform you that import and export air handling / terminal fees are increasing due to market costs going up.

Fuel Surcharge 

Stockwell International would like to inform you of the updated fuel surcharge for the month of July.  

Effective July 1st 2022 

For the East Coast of Australia, the fuel surcharge will be at 22%. 

Effective June 1st 2022 

South Australia, our fuel surcharge will now be 32% for metro transport in Adelaide.

Western Australia, our fuel surcharge will be 26% for metro transport in Perth and Fremantle.

Bunker Surcharge

Effective 1st July 2022 – 30th September 2022
Asia to Australia/ New Zealand
20′ – $441
40′ – $882 
20′ – $591 
40′ – $1182

Stockwell International will endeavour to keep you updated with the most recent information as it become available to us. 

For any other questions or enquiries please contact [email protected]

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