Overbooking and the Stress of Shipping

One of the most crucial stages in shipping is booking the right vessel for freight, there are many things to consider, price, transit times and destinations. This is made more difficult for both the shipper and shipping lines alike as year after year there are overbooking’s of space on vessels. Shippers will often feel short-changed […]

Three Once China Customs Policy

China customs policy

China customs has announced it will expand its rapid clearance “three once” regime nationwide to promote trans-regional trade. 56 Chinese border inspection stations will adopt this policy of customs clearance this year involving a single declaration, according to General Administration of Customs spokesman Zhang Guangzhi. The ‘three once’ system launched jointly by customs, inspection and […]

Changing trade environment offers new opportunity for rail transport

As more and more Chinese manufacturers begin to locate to inland facilities costs become increasingly higher to move goods to sea ports. Yet the nature of the goods themselves has changed, a growth in retail ecommerce is putting a strain on logistics solutions providers. More importantly, inland manufacturers have moved up the value chain, producing […]

Carriers and Rates Negotiation

rates negotiation

There are many strange things done in shipping, but none more so than settling on a rate before discussing service levels offered to the customer, perhaps one of the most absurd practises that would not happen in any other industry. Imagine as you walk through the door of a car dealership a sales man says, […]

Oscar Bickley Foundation

It is not very often that certain events in your life affect you so profoundly and in such a way that you are compelled to help in any way you can. Let me get you up to speed with why I am feeling this way today and how you can also help. A bright young […]

GST Free Limit and Online Purchases

Slashing the $1000 GST-free limit on goods bought overseas could significantly improve Victoria’s Budget by millions of dollars, the State Government says. There is mounting evidence that online shoppers are taking advantage of a tax loophole where overseas purchases under $1000 don’t attract GST. The internet spending binge means the government is missing out on […]