customer service Archives - webfx Exceptional Service · World Class Logistics Thu, 04 May 2023 05:03:13 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 customer service Archives - webfx 32 32 Celebrating Exceptional Customer Service & Forward Thinking Supply Chains in 2023 Thu, 04 May 2023 04:58:34 +0000 Recently, Stockwell International attended Stylus Tapes International 2023 National Sales Conference. We were honoured to be awarded for “Exceptional customer service & continuity of supply during the most challenging of global circumstances.” Our Director of Sales & Marketing, Angela Gambell, who was invited to speak at the conference on the topic of Forward Thinking Supply […]

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Recently, Stockwell International attended Stylus Tapes International 2023 National Sales Conference. We were honoured to be awarded for “Exceptional customer service & continuity of supply during the most challenging of global circumstances.” Our Director of Sales & Marketing, Angela Gambell, who was invited to speak at the conference on the topic of Forward Thinking Supply Chains and Best Terms for Trade 2023, stated that receiving such recognition was truly a humbling experience.

“It was absolutely a highlight of my career. Our team worked tirelessly through that period, and the recognition means a great deal to us.”

The global circumstances of 2020 and 2021 posed unprecedented challenges to businesses worldwide. The pandemic and its ripple effects led to supply chain disruptions, shortages, and delays. However, Stockwells rose to the occasion and worked tirelessly to ensure operations could run as efficiently as possible. The award is a testament to our team’s efforts and the commitment we have to our customers.

As we move forward into 2023 and beyond, it’s crucial to continue focusing on forward-thinking supply chains and the best terms for trade. Our lessons during the pandemic have highlighted the need for agility, resilience, and innovation. At Stockwells, we’re committed to implementing these values and finding new ways to serve our customers better. We are excited to continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in logistics and supply chain.

We’re proud to be a part of this industry and are truly grateful to Stylus for awarding exceptional customer service and continuity of supply. We’re also excited to continue working towards creating better supply chains and trade terms for the future.

The post Celebrating Exceptional Customer Service & Forward Thinking Supply Chains in 2023 appeared first on webfx.
