Stockwell International Urgent News Alert 2nd February 2021

Stockwell International Urgent News Alert 2nd February 2021

Stockwell International latest news regarding OOGs Critical Situation out of China, Patricks Terminals Surcharges & more.

Written by

Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting
Jane Doe
Managing Director - logistics strategy and consulting

OOGs Critical Situation out of China

Dear Customers, 

Stockwells wish to notify our clients of the situation regarding out-of-gauge cargo shipments and the challenges industry participants are currently facing.

A combination of space issues, equipment shortages, port congestion and Chinese New Year stoppages have seen a majority of carriers temporarily halt the acceptance of out-of-gauge cargo (OOG) ex China to AU ports. We are also seeing similar issues with general purpose containers due to lack of equipment and omissions on most sailings over the 2 week period of CNY.

Currently, only ANL are accepting a small amount of OOG bookings ex China, which is causing many Australian importers lengthy delays in receiving their cargo on time. OOCL, Evergreen, Cosco, Hapag and MSC have informed Stockwells that they plan to recommence OOG bookings after Chinese New Year so we ask our clients to remain patient until this period where OOG cargo acceptance is back to a relatively normal level.

We thank you for your understanding. Please do not hesitate to contact your customer service representative if you have any questions

Patricks Terminals Surcharges 

Weight Amendment Fee

This morning Stockwell International received a notice from Patricks Terminals that in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle a weight amendment fee for import containers will be introduced as per below; 

Brisbane Autostrad – Import Containers from 04 January 2021
Sydney Autostrad – Import Containers (date TBC)
Melbourne – Import Containers (date TBC)
Fremantle – Import Containers (date TBC)

Weight and Adjustment charge of AUD $230.00 per container plus GST will apply to all containers determined by the Pondus Stand to have a weight variance of greater than +/- one metric tonne within the documented weight.

New Terminal Tariff and VBS Charges

Brisbane Warehouse 

Getting excited Brisbane!

Stockwell International is excited to officially let our customers know that we have embarked on building a new Brisbane facility! With the success of our Sydney facility it only made sense to emulate this through our other offices.

The location will have over 500 SQM of racked storage with an additional 1700+ SQM of hard stand storage with the capability to stage and/or store over 300 containers, and 8 Reefer points for assisting the unpack and crossdocking of refrigerated containers. We will also be food grade, DAWR bonded and have a fumigation pad.

The new facility combined with our already successful fleet of trucks makes this a true “one stop shop” for freight forwarding, customs and transport.

Get ready as our completely secure Brisbane logistics facility will be ready to service you from mid-February to March.


Chinese New Year 2021 

Stockwell International would like to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year! 

2021 brings us year of the Ox! The Ox is the second of all zodiac animals.The Ox is a valued animal, because of its role in agriculture, positive characteristics, such as being hardworking and honest, are attributed to it.

Chinese New Year will commence on 11 February 2021 to 17 February 2021.

Please be reminded that as a result companies operating feeder services from Chinese River Ports will suspend their services, warehouses, offices and businesses will be shut down. 

Barge services from South China inland river ports will be suspended from Jan 21st to the end of February. This means customers will not be able to ship from Huangpu, Gaoming, Sanshui, Rongqi, Zhaoqing, Zhongshan, Zhuhai ports during this period. Containers will have to be shipped from the main ports in this area – Shekou, Yantian and Hong Kong.

Space will be extremely tight and orders will need to be made early. 

Please contact your sales representative ASAP for any new bookings. 

Rate Increases & Surcharges

Stockwell International has received notice and wishes to advise customers that in light of the continued Industrial Action and continual heavy congestion, several shipping lines have been impacted and have implemented the following General Rate Increase/Peak Season Surcharge/Congestion Surcharge:

Peak Season Surcharge/General Rate Increase:  

15th March 2021
United States of America to Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia
Amount: USD $200/TEU and USD $400/FEU

15th March 2021
Australia and New Zealand on all export trades, with the exception of the USA
Amount: USD $300/TEU and USD $600/FEU

For any questions please contact your sales representative on [email protected] or 1300 786 468.

Rate Increases & Surcharges

Stockwell International has received notice and wishes to advise customers that in light of the continued Industrial Action and continual heavy congestion, several shipping lines have been impacted and have implemented the following General Rate Increase/Peak Season Surcharge/Congestion Surcharge:

Peak Season Surcharge/General Rate Increase:  

15th March 2021
United States of America to Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia
Amount: USD $200/TEU and USD $400/FEU

15th March 2021
Australia and New Zealand on all export trades, with the exception of the USA
Amount: USD $300/TEU and USD $600/FEU

For any questions please contact your sales representative on [email protected] or 1300 786 468.

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