Brisbane Port Delays
Stockwell International has just received information regarding delays at Brisbane Ports.Â
DP World Brisbane is continuing to experience equipment problems which are causing delays for trucks and extra charges for clients. Stockwell’s notified clients of the delays last week and unfortunately, it is likely to continue for the foreseeable future both at DP World and Hutchinson in Brisbane. While some problems relate to equipment such as cranes breaking down or IT system outages, some problems relate to high volumes which also cause delays.
Once our trucks are in line for their allocated wharf slot, they cannot turn around and drive back out. Drivers are unable to move until the issues are resolved.Â
Please note any additional detention charges occur during this time they will not be the responsibility of Stockwell International.Â
For any further information please contact [email protected]
NEA Southbound Update
Please note that there we are experiencing many blank, rolled and changed sailings. This is called space control and it is the shipping lines way of recovering losses due to extremely low rates.
These changed, omitted and cancelled sailings will continue until the market levels at a rate sustainable to the shipping lines, it is inconvenient to everyone!
We ask for your patience and note it is being experienced across all trade lanes, all last minute and without consultation with the forwarders.
All changes to schedules are being notified to individuals as we receive news.Â
For any additional questions, contact [email protected]
Compliance with Tariff Concession Orders
The Australian Border Force has released an information memorandum regarding compliance with tariff concession orders.Â
Tariff Concession Orders (TCOs) are an Australian Government revenue concession that exists where there are no known Australian manufacturers of goods that are substitutable for imported goods. There are approximately 15,000 existing TCOs. In order to claim a TCO in accordance with the Australian law, your imported goods must:
• firstly, be classifiable to the tariff classification to which the TCO is keyed; and
• precisely meet the description given to the TCO. If you import goods, and claim a revenue concession through a TCO, you need to be aware that sanctions and/or penalties may apply if your goods do not precisely meet the above-mentioned requirements.
Please note that the Australian Border Force (ABF) undertakes both pre and post clearance compliance checks on the use of TCOs. The misuse of a TCO may result in one of the following:
• Warning letter
• Infringement notice Prosecution
• Increased Targeting
• Review of broker licence
The ABF expects the customs brokers to avoid incorrect use of TCOs by undertaking the following:
• Ensure goods are classified correctly, if doubt exists as to the applicability of a TCO to any goods, the importer can apply for tariff advice.
• Discuss the properties of the goods imported with your client and advise them to tell you if the properties of the goods change. Particular goods might have been eligible to claim a TCO previously, however changes in the properties or characteristics of the goods, even small variations, might affect their future eligibility.
• TCOs do not apply to sets, kits, assemblies or systems unless they are specifically referred to in the wording, together with a list of all the items making up the set, kit, assembly or system.
• Pay close attention to the wording of TCOs, particularly those containing multiple specifications, as well as punctuation.
• Do not rely solely on a key word search or Freedom of Information request for similar goods to determine if a TCO applies to your goods. Before claiming a TCO ensure you have enough documentation to support the goods are correctly classified and precisely meet all of the wording and requirements.
• Pay particular attention to units stipulated in the wording of the TCO.
By failing to do the above the broker may also have committed an offence s243T (make or cause).
Stockwell International will continue to keep you updated with any additional information that becomes available. If you have any further information, contact [email protected].Â
Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA) to commence 31 May 2023
Stockwell International have received information from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade regarding the implementation of the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement.Â
31 May 2023 has been announced as the date of entry into force of the much-anticipated Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA).
During his visit to the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese made the announcement noting that “The Australia-UK FTA represents one of the most comprehensive, innovative and ambitious free trade agreements concluded by Australia to date and strengthens an already close relationship between Australia and the UK.â€
With the entry into force of this comprehensive agreement, there will be no tariffs on over 99 per cent of Australian goods exports to the UK and savings of approximately $200 million a year will be made as tariffs on imports from the UK are eliminated. After five years, all UK imports will enter Australia duty free.For any questions regarding how this FTA will affect you, contact [email protected]
Notice of UK National Holidays – May 2023Â
Stockwell International would like clients to be aware of the upcoming UK National Holidays in May 2023.Â
Monday 29th May 2023
Please note that delays and congestion may result due to the National Holidays. Stockwell International will continue to keep clients updated with any changes that may impact your shipments. For further information please contact, sales@stockwellteam
Transport Wharf Charges, Fuel Surcharge, LCL Booking Fee, Empty Container De-Hire Timeframes & Terminal Energy Recovery Surcharge, GRI & Introduction of PONDUS fee
Transport Wharf Charges
Effective May 1st, 2023
Wharf Booking Fee              $75.00
Infrastructure Fee               $210.00
Empty Booking Fee             $125.00
DPW De-Hire Surcharge         $55.00
Weighbridge Fee               $20.00
Sideloader Levy                $100.00
Wharf Booking Fee                         $75.00
Infrastructure Fee               $210.00
Empty Booking Fee             $110.00
DPW De-Hire Surcharge         $55.00
Weighbridge Fee               $20.00
Sideloader Levy                               $100.00
Wharf Booking Fee                         $75.00
Infrastructure Fee              $210.00
Empty Booking Fee             $105.00
DPW De-Hire Surcharge         $55.00
Weighbridge Fee                $20.00
Sideloader Levy                               $100.00
Wharf Booking Fee                         $85.00
Infrastructure Fee               $195.00
Empty Booking Fee             $90.00
Weighbridge Fee                $50.00
Sideloader Levy                               $100.00
Wharf Booking Fee                         $80.00
Infrastructure Fee               $85.00
Empty Booking Fee             $95.00
Weighbridge Fee               $20.00
Sideloader Levy                               $100.00
Booking Admin Fee             $30.00
Terminal Interface Fee           $75.00
Effective 1st March 2022
Introduction of Terminal Energy Recovery Surcharge
Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane/Fremantle/Adelaide – $7.50 per container
Fuel Levy
WA – 28%
SA – 32%
LCL Booking Fee
Effective 15th February 2023
All States & Territories || $40 AUDÂ
Empty Container De-Hire Timeframes
Please note: Empty container de-hire timeframes differ in each state.Â
NSW/QLD/WA || Require 72 hours notice to arrange pick-up of empty containersÂ
VIC/SA || Require 48 hours notice to arrange pick-up of empty containers.Â
These timeframes do not include weekends or public holidays. Please note that notifications made after Midday are not considered ‘Same Day’. The following business day will be considered as day 1
Effective 22nd May 2023
Northeast Asia to Australia
20′ -Â US$250
40′ -Â US$500
Introduction of PONDUS Fee at VICT Melbourne
In the past few years since the Shipping Lines have increased their scrutiny and vigilance of Verified Gross Mass (VGM) and implemented levies and fines for mis-declared weights, More container terminal operators (CTOs) are now following suit and imposing fees for containers that have weight discrepancies that exceed a nominated variance.
VICT in Melbourne has announced the introduction of a PONDUS Fee effective June 1st.
Application of the VGM Weight Discrepancy Fee will be to all containers determined by the Pondus Stand to have a weight variance greater than 1 metric tonne within the documented VGM. It is the shipper’s responsibility to ensure that the correct weight of the container is documented prior to loading/discharged.