The Free Trade Agreement between Peru and Australia (PAFTA) has come into force on Tuesday February 11, 2020
All information on the PAFTA can be found here: Peru-Australia Free Trade Agreement.
Some points to note in the new agreement are as follows:
A claim for preference under PAFTA must be supported with a Certificate of Origin (COO). However, at present there is no prescribed format for that COO.
PAFTA does not require third party certification an exporter or producer may complete a PAFTA COO, there is no prescribed format; but must contain required data of the Agreement at page 42 and 43 of the guide.
For importers that are Trusted Traders, the Australian Border Force (ABF) has waived the requirement of a COO. However, it is still of utmost importance that commodities meet the requirements of PAFTA.
Like many FTAs, the consignment rules mean the FTA does not apply when goods enter third world countries and are no longer under customs control. This needs to be monitored if the goods have travelled from Peru to a different South or Central American port and not remained under Customs control.
A guide has been prepared and explains how to determine whether goods that are imported to Australia are eligible for preferential rates of customs duty under the PAFTA in accordance with the Customs Act 1901 and the PAFTA rules of origin. Â The Guide to Origin advice referred to in the document can be found online.
Looking for more information? Read our post about the Australia-Indonesia Free Trade Agreement?